Hi, I love to paint, draw, walk in the woods, garden, grow mushrooms, cut firewood, read, explore and discover.
With my wife, Sandra, we own Freeman Gallery in York, Maine. The gallery is currently open by appointment. Some paintings are available. To make an inquiry, please email, Kevin Freeman

My work has evolved over 40 plus years. My first recollections of creating art were for poster contests in grade school. I remember once, in sixth grade, winning a large chocolate bar for creating a poster that said, “be a wise old owl, don’t play with matches. I painted an owl perched on a branch between the words. If I recall, it was wearing a red bow tie.
I was destined to be a creative person. My first aspirations, when I was very young, were to become a writer. Next, I wished to be a pianist. My mother quickly quelled this aspiration with practicality. She informed me that we had no place for a piano.
So, I moved on. Drawing was something that I was good at. It was always amazing for me to create something that looked like something. My first experience with this was when my mother introduced me to finger paints in the bath tub. I was three or four and I was totally enthralled. I am sure the results were primitive at best, nonetheless, I was astounded that I could recreate something, right there on the tile wall.
I have recently written a 45 page memoir that is titled, Snowman and Paperboy. It is about my adventures with my best childhood friend. You can see a preview or purchase here.