September Bliss

The air is sublime. 70ºF. Southern Maine coastal area. Blue sky. Post summer day.

I have been working occasionally in my studio. The paintings in progress are without a frame. I have not stretched them but have unrolled canvas, gessoed the surface with three coats and begun painting.

The painting below encourages me to consider the title, “no place special.” It is 32″x 26″. However, I think, for now, it will be titled, “Upon Arrival.”

Upon Arrival, oil painting on canvas
“Upon Arrival,” oil on canvas, 32″ x 26″

Quick Comes Night

I have worked on this painting for many months. I think it is now teetering on being finished. Time will tell, but here it is.

oil painting, yellow, green, gray and cool tones
Quickly Comes Night 28″ x 22″ oil on canvas

I stumbled upon this video of David Shrigley on YouTube. I liked it and am sharing.

Hot Summer or Story of a King

I don’t usually title paintings. But this just came to me as I was working on it. Maybe it isn’t even finished. It is difficult to know. I just arrived here on a perfect summer day. Unexpectedly.

Oil Paintings
“On a Hot Summer day, or the Story of a King,” 32″ x 28″ oil on canvas

I currently have several greenish paintings in progress. This one sort of stood up and said, “hey, you! over here, I need some work.” So, I relented. I thought of my many fine friends while trying to clear my thoughts as I worked. At the same time welcoming everything. Working opposites and conceding to order. Painting is a process of liberation at its best, for me.

Goodbye old website

Kevin Freeman
Kevin S. Freeman, outside of Cape Neddick, Maine studio

You have reached my website. I am sad my previous website, that you may have found at this address was not compatible with itself. So, it would not function. While I have tried to restore the original contents it is far to ambitious of a project to do all at once, for me.

I am starting new and will slowly add some of the older images and paintings. Be warned, if you are thinking of creating a WordPress website, they are not for the faint of heart.

Kevin Freeman